Monday, July 11, 2011

Photo Catch-up

I am the type of person who takes a random photo, thinks, "I'm going to make an awesomely creative blog post about this," and then promptly forgets about it until unloading the camera and finding a sprinkling of said random photos that are no longer worth a blog post or putting on Facebook. Oh well. But I do feel like the pictures should make an appearance somewhere.

From Blogger Pictures
Last month we went to our first Roller Derby bout, featuring the two Ft. Lewis teams. It wasn't quite as intense as the scenes in Whip It, haha, but it was still fun date night material. It's certainly the only "sport" we've ever enjoyed together!

From Blogger Pictures
We finally figured out the trick for our charcoal grill! A fireplace starter. =) Since then we've had flawless grilling. These teriyaki kabobs we made were delicious!

From Blogger Pictures
I made cookies to send to my two dads for Father's Day.

From Blogger Pictures
I also sent some cookies to a friend who was having a hard week. I liked this flower cutter!

From Blogger Pictures
These are my two favorite cleaning products. There's no point buying any others since they clean everything! I heartily recommend them for all your cleaning needs. ;-)


  1. I'm happy to see an update from you!

    Your cookies look so delicious!! Your cooking and baking skills have always amazed me. :)

  2. Those kobabs look amazing.

    I'll have to try the magic eraser....

  3. YUM kebabs. YUM AGAIN cookies. Those are really cute.

    I totally agree about the Magic Erasers! They do everything! (Except get a certain kind of marker off painted walls. Other than that? Everything.)
