Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family Day

It seems I have been ordered to update this thing. ;) I've actually had several posts I've been mulling over the past couple days but never got around to actually composing them. Oh well.

Today was a good day. I started it off by getting a two-hour massage at Hand and Stone in Lacey, where I have a membership which gives me a massage a month at a really good discount, but which I have not had a chance to use up for the past two months. So when the receptionist suggested I get two sessions back to back, I decided that sounded good. Aaaand, would you know it, their "MOST-requested therapist," Adam, happened to be working in that location today. It was rather amusing to walk in for my appointment this morning and get jealous looks and "Oooh, you lucky girl!" from the women in the spa. I have not had enough massages in my lifetime to know if I was really lucky or not, hence my amusement. But he definitely did a great job on my tight back muscles! =)

This afternoon we went to the Battalion Family Day, which was a very enjoyable event as always. I spent most of the day helping to man the fundraiser table, denying I was actually married to the guy in the pink Hawaiian shirt (*facepalms* I really wish my husband would listen when I say, "Please don't wear that!" heheh), and getting roasted in the sun like a pig on a spit. The most fun part of the day though is definitely seeing all my battalion friends! It's amazing the amount of people I know now compared to this time last year. So many awesome people! But the sad thing is that in a few months, the majority will be gone and off to new duty stations. I hate losing people when I've just barely gotten to know them. Unfortunately that's military life for you...always a goodbye just around the corner.

Sometimes I worry that we've gotten the best of everything on our first round of Army life. Awesome duty station, awesome battalion, awesome friends, awesome church, awesome is highly possible that things have to be worse at our next place. LOL But there's no point to thinking like that, right?

Someone pass me the aloe vera....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the sun burn! :( I'm glad you guys have had such a good time at this duty station, I'm sure it will continue at the next. They are what you make of them, I suppose. I probably could have done more to make myself happy in NC. :) Glad you had fun at Family Day! I always seem to miss these things, my husband is usually gone, haha
